
book cover for ISBN1419712209
Hiawatha and the Peacemaker
Author: Robbie Robertson

Child picture book, e-book and e-audiobook. Hiawatha, a Mohawk, is plotting revenge for the murder of his wife and daughters by the evil Onondaga Chief, Tadodaho, when he meets the Great Peacemaker, who enlists his help in bringing the nations together to share his vision of a new way of life marked by peace, love, and unity rather than war, hate, and fear. Includes historical notes. Age: 8-10.

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book cover for ISBN0735230609
At the Mountain's Base
Author: Traci Sorell
Child picture book and e-book. At the mountain's base sits a cabin under an old hickory tree. And in that cabin lives a family -- loving, weaving, cooking, and singing. The strength in their song sustains them through trials on the ground and in the sky, as they wait for their loved one, a pilot, to return from war."-- book jacket. Age: 5-8.
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book cover for ISBN158089772X
We Are Grateful = Otsaliheliga
Author: Traci Sorell

Child nonfiction book, Wonderbook (print and audiobook together), e-book, e-book with audio, and e-audiobook. Text includes English and Cherokee. Journey through the year with a Cherokee family and their tribal nation as they express thanks for celebrations big and small. A look at modern Native American life as told by a citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Age: 5-8.

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book cover for ISBN1626727465
Fry Bread : A Native American Family Story
Author: Kevin Noble Maillard
Child picture book, e-book and DVD. This volume tells the story of a post-colonial food that is a shared tradition for Native American families all across the North American continent. Includes a recipe and an extensive author note that delves into the social ways, foodways, and politics of America's 573 recognized tribes. Age 3-6.
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